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Flame-point Siamese Cats
Redheads Day
May 26
Other Scottish Country Dances for this Day
Today's Musings, History & Folklore
"🎶 As I roved out on a summer's morning a-speculating most curiously
To my surprise, I there espied a charming fair maid approaching me
I stood awhile in deep meditation contemplating what I should do
'Til at length recruiting all my sensations I thus accosted the Cailin Rua
Are you Aurora or the goddess Flora, Artemidora or Venus bright?
Or Helen, fair beyond compare, that Paris stole from the Grecian sight?
Oh fairest maiden, you have enslaved me, I'm captivated in Cupid's clew
Your golden sayings are infatuations that have enslaved me, a Cailin Rua"
~ Traditional
Cailin Rua, Irish Gaelic for "red-headed maiden" is a dance written for the tune of the same name and the devisor's flame-point Siamese cat! Redheads and gingers, you deserve a day of recognition! Historically, characterized as temperamental and fiery, today, red hair is finally fashionable! If not naturally endowed, a hairdresser can gift you with the trendy cherry reds, bright reds, and copper tones so noted in story and song! The idea that redheads have quick tempers has dating back thousands of years! The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that people with red hair were fiery and quick-tempered, partly due to the association of the color red with fire and heat, which symbolized strong emotions. Later, during the Middle Ages, red hair was often unfortunately associated with witchcraft and magic. People with red hair were sometimes thought to have supernatural powers, which included a fiery temper. Culturally, in Irish folklore, red-haired characters are often depicted as hot-tempered and spirited. This was reinforced by the strong presence of red hair among the Irish population and the association of the Irish with rebelliousness and passion. Scottish folklore marks the redhead as linked to fairies and other supernatural beings. Some tales suggest that redheads have a special connection to the fairy world or possess magical abilities. And it was believed that encountering a redheaded person on your way to work was considered good luck, but only if the person was a stranger! This strathspey has enough turns, spirals, and knots to braid the locks of any fair red-headed maiden! ❤️ 🧡 ❤️ 🐾
Cailin Rua
Red hair is the rarest natural hair color in humans. The non-tanning skin associated with red hair may have been genetically advantageous in far-northern climates where sunlight is scarce.
Scholars note that redheads have influenced history out of proportion to their numbers. Famous redheads include Roman emperor Nero, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, the ancient god of love Aphrodite, Queen Elizabeth I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Oliver Cromwell, Emily Dickinson, Antonio Vivaldi, Thomas Jefferson, Vincent Van Gogh, Mark Twain, James Joyce, Winston Churchill, Malcolm X, Galileo, and King David.
While Scotland has the highest proportion (13%) of redheads (followed by Ireland with 10%), the United States has the largest population of redheads in the world, with between 6-18 million redheads, or 2-6% of the population!
The inspiration for this dance, the devisor's flame-point Siamese catt, is a breed which is a rare and adorable variation of the Siamese breed. They are known for their striking orange-red point coloration, which develops as they mature. For more on this breed of cat, click the kittens!
Click the dance cribs or description below to link to a printable version of the dance!