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The Fisher Lass by John McGhie (1867–1952)
Fisherman's Day
Jun 29
Other Scottish Country Dances for this Day
Today's Musings, History & Folklore
"I am a fisherman
Frae driftnet to deep trawl
Whin I left the Sea tae settle down
I couldnae resist its Call
I've lifted prawns an' scallops
An' herrings by the shoal
Cod an' skate an' whitin'
When money was ma goal."
~ The Fisherman, Jim McRobert, 2003
Go fish and reel it in, Dancers! Due to the constant danger of the unforgiving ocean, fisherfolk have many superstitions to help avoid any necessary ill luck. Scottish fisherman were keen observers of natural phenomenon and believed the strict observents of omens and portents were necessary when setting sail to ensure a safe voyage home. In Lerwick, there is a fisherfolk custom of not mentioning a pig, rabbit, or salmon in conversation, or if so, referencing them only obliquely by colloquialisms. A pig, for example, should strictly only be referenced as a "curly tail" while a rabbit should be referred to as " bob tail," a "fower fitter," or a "mappin." Salmon believed to be unlucky were referred to only as the ‘reid fish’. And on land, if on your way to fish, if you encountered a woman or a minister (especially a minister), this was seen as particularly unlucky and required you to return back home and restart your journey! This fun 5 couple reel in a domino formation highlights a turning fisher couple in the center who end by petal reeling around the other fisherfolk to change places! 🎣 🐟 🐟 🐟
Fisherman's Reel
Scotland's fishing communities have a long history adapting to the hardships of a dangerous life. Fisher folk of the past acquired a reputation for being superstitious and following particular rituals in the hopes of both increasing the catch and avoiding danger with luck superstitions, including special superstitions about the power of words.
Herring were called "silver darlings" because fishermen believed that if they used the proper name "herrin," the fish would stay away! For a glossary of Scottish dialect fish names by Robert Watt, issued in 1989, click here.
Classic regional and signature seafood dishes include: Finnan-haddie (a cold-smoked haddock) and Arbroath Smokies (another regional smoked haddock), Cabbie-claw (from the Shetland dialect for young cod), Tweed Kettle (an Edinburgh-based salmon hash), "blawn fish" (fish hung up to dry in an open passage), and Haggamuggie (a sort of fish haggis).
See below for a 1920s British Pathé film showing the Scottish Herring Harvest. click the portrait of "A Scottish Fisherman" (19th century, artist unknown).
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